
Difference Between Lab Grown And Natural Diamond

We know it can be really stressful to go out & buy a diamond ring for your engagement, wedding day, anniversary or just everyday wear diamonds. Particularly because it’s expensive to buy any diamond piece. Moreover, a common man won’t know much about diamonds, as they aren’t gemologists.

Another stressful question can be choosing between natural diamonds and lab-grown diamonds—both gorgeous and almost undetectable difference to a naked human eye.

But, you don’t have to worry now. Because, we at Eclat diamonds want to make sure that all our customers and people (curious ones) in general, are fully aware with whatever goes behind in order to make an informed choice.

So far with our other blogs, you must be aware with the creation of Lab-grown diamonds, and what they are really. In simple words, lab-grown diamonds are manufactured in laboratory (obviously you can tell by the name) by mimicking the under earth pressure and temperature conditions that led to the creation of natural diamonds. Lab-grown diamonds are the result of decades of scientific research and technological advancements that has finally led to the creation of these enchanting alternatives to natural diamonds.

With naked human eye, it is impossible to detect the difference between a lab-grown diamond and a naturally mined one.

Difference between lab-grown and natural diamonds


Without proper equipment you may not be able to tell the difference because they look almost the same, but the only noticeable difference is where they are born.

Earth-mined diamonds are almost as old as our mother Earth. It forms deep within the earth’s surface under extreme pressure and unbelievably high temperatures and then patiently awaits to be mined by engineers.

Lab-Grown diamonds on the other hand are produced in a laboratory by mimicking the high pressure, high temperature conditions that form within the earth. This process produces a distinctively shaped diamond crystal.

The chemical vapor deposition (CVD) method is another process that involves breaking down the molecules of a carbon-rich gas, such as methane, and transforming it into carbon and hydrogen atoms, this is then deposited on diamond seeds which produce a square-shaped, tabular diamond crystal.

Whatsoever the method is it requires about a month for most of the sizes. CVD takes a little more time as it involves a few additional treatments like heat or irradiation to enhance their colors after the growth process.


The cost of lab diamonds is yet to be at a standstill. A few years back ago, at an average lab diamonds were 23-25% more expensive than natural diamonds. But today, lab diamonds are available at cheaper prices compared to natural diamonds.

This difference is due to the impact of supply. Natural diamond supply is limited, because it takes billions of years for nature to create a diamond. On the other hand is no cap on supply, of lab-grown diamonds due to which price goes lower and lower as supply goes up.


Lab diamonds and mined diamonds are almost identical to the naked eye. If you are planning on buying a Lab-Grown Diamond ring or a necklace from a , it’s almost certain that no one will be able to differentiate it from a natural diamond, unless you tell them. It’s differences can be measured using using magnification tools, or diamond detectors.

Rest assured a lab diamond has the same vibrance and glow as a natural one. Lab diamonds can be a wonderful low-cost option without settling for a lower grade.


Here we have a significant difference, natural diamonds often retain around 50% of their initial value, whereas lab-created diamonds have negligible resale value. This might be a point to consider as lab-created diamonds are dropping in price, and natural diamonds historically rising in value.


Due to raising concerns over the environmental and humanitarian repercussions of mining processes. It’s no brainer that natural diamonds can raise concerns for adverse impact to the planet. At the same time, it makes more sense to adopt man-made diamonds as it offers more in the way of long-term sustainability. 

You should buy a Natural or Lab-Grown diamond?

If you are financially stable to afford a real, naturally sourced diamond then that should be your plan of action. But if you are facing money constraints purchasing a lab-grown diamond should work just fine. Let’s recall, it’s only you who will know the difference, the difference isn’t obvious to the naked eye or even a professional naked eye, as long as you don’t use those fancy detector equipment.

At the end of the day, it isn’t about the diamond in fact it was never about the diamond, but rather what the diamond signifies. If it turns into a wedding band , engagement ring, or a beautiful piece of art for your partner that represents love and commitment.

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